News from the Edge

Greetings from Guatemala!

This is my first day alone in the office. I plan to blast through the rest of the board meeting reports without any interruptions.

The Oklahoma team and Bill made it up to the village yesterday afternoon. Not too many mishaps – one suitcase got left in Houston so Alvaro stayed in the City to get it as it was supposed to arrive at 1:00pm on Sunday (yesterday). His pickup had all the baggage for the whole team, as well. When he got to United’s office at 1:00pm it was closed! He waited around until 3:00pm and finally headed here so the team could get their luggage.

The rented coaster bus broke down half way up the dirt road to the village so Sebastian had to come down from the village in the Land cruiser and ferry everyone up to the village.

Alvaro finally got to the village with the luggage, minus the one suitcase, at 8:00pm last night. The missing suitcase is supposed to arrive tomorrow afternoon here in San Cristobal.

So, all in all, everything is great!

The team are all in good spirits. There are 4 adults and 7 teens. The team has some great family groupings – The youth pastor brought his new bride, the worship leader brought his son and daughter, and one of the teenage girls has her dad with her.

Speaking of family groupings, the venerable couple in the attached photo, caught our attention last week. The gentleman is 97 years old and his wife is 85. The bits of paper in their hands give them entrance into a medical clinic happening in their remote village of La Navidad, which is located 3 1/2 hours by 4×4 truck on a dirt road, from San Cristobal.

They both oozed stoic tranquility in a way that made Bill and me feel ashamed of our gripes about our growing bodily aches and pains, and tiredness. We felt as if God was saying to us, “See, I am sustaining this couple and I have got you two in the palm of My Hand as well; don’t sweat it!”.

In His Grip,


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