News from the Edge

March 2024 Newsletter – DonorSee Partnership Impact: Transformed Lives and Great Cheer

The first project we ever posted on DonorSee was in late April 2021. We have now been with DonorSee for almost three years. That first video took you to the home of newly orphaned children. They had lost their home and only remaining parent, their father, in the landslide that destroyed the whole village of Queja. The oldest child was now mother to her younger siblings, and they were starting over. They needed an improved cook stove so that they had a safe place to cook and wouldn’t be exposed to smoke in their home. The follow-up video showed the new stove being installed and the many smiles and gratitude for this new stove. We rejoice at how the projects on DonorSee bless and empower Pokomchi families in all our programs. You are an essential part of this through donating to these projects and sending your love their way.

263 projects have been posted on our DonorSee page. Each one presented an individual, a family, or whole village. Almost $82,000 has been raised for the Pokomchi people! We thank God for connecting us with DonorSee at just the right time and blessing this partnership with them.

There are many stories we could share, but let’s look at a few recent and memorable ones. Having clean water access is vital and water filters easily provide families with this. We have been ensuring that the children and families in our children’s after school program have clean water. One mother said this (with a huge smile on her face) after receiving her water filter:

“Before, we drank unclean water that we collected in rain barrels because we didn’t have a water filter. Thank you very much for everything you have done for my children and for us. May God bless you greatly!”

A mother whose tenth child was born with serious medical problems, including absence of an anal opening, was near tears as she said thanks. Through DonorSee, she received funds to pay for pre- and post-surgery care to repair his malfunctioning colostomy.


“I’m so grateful to each of you for supporting me and taking care of my son. May God bless each of you for your kindness and heart to help. This has overwhelmed my heart with joy. Thank you so much for your support.”

A community education participant in our partner village shared this after receiving a latrine that helps to prevent his family from acquiring life threatening intestinal infections from unhygienic conditions.

“I’m grateful to you, even though you live in another country, you have supported us through this latrine. This gift brings me much happiness as it’s very important that my family has this latrine. We didn’t have one like this before. I also thank God for blessing us through this gift. Thank you very much for your love and support towards my family.”

We are also helping students to continue their school education. This is so important, but many families cannot afford the costs involved. It is heartwarming to see a shy, previous Building My Horizon student beaming and sharing how having school supplies helps him.

“Thank you for the help that you have given me! This support will help me a lot to fulfill my dreams. May God bless you.”

These are a few of the many lives touched. We want to continue this, and we hope you will partner with us. We currently have nine projects posted and more will be added. Any amount donated brings the Pokomchi people closer to receiving these blessings. If you are unable to donate you can  just follow us. If you do, more people will see our projects which will result in a greater impact for the Pokomchi. Do you like helping the Pokomchi through our DonorSee projects?  If so, please give us a review on DonorSee and encourage others to do the same. To do any of this, head over to our page on DonorSee:

Finally, we want to highlight a few of our current projects that need funding:


We are excited to keep partnering with the Pokomchi through DonorSee, transforming their lives together.

Thank you for your support!